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Showing posts from May, 2021

Dumpster-Fire Disney

May the 4th be with you.  So, in my last post I talked at length about Star Wars, the seminal saga of the 20th century (we love alliteration!) It was amazing. Still amazing, and when I watched the original 3 movies, all I could think about was "Why don't we have hoverboards and lightsabers?!" Seriously, Back To The Future thought we'd have hoverboards in 2001. So where are the hoverboards? Get it together, Silicon Valley! We don't need electric cars. We need hoverboards.  But all jokes aside, I'm gonna talk about the Disney sequels, cause boy, are they bad. They are not good at all. Yes, box-office good, but with audiences and fans, it went over like an atomic bomb. Yeah, that Palpatine thing was clearly the only thing the writers could think of. But why did Rey have to be related to Palpatine? There were so many other Jedi like Windu, Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan- that could have been an epic story. One that people actually liked.   I was inspired by the lameness of the

The Marvel Cinematic Universe and Harry Potter are the Defining Stories of the 21st Century So Far

    How lucky are we? I got to be alive at the same time as  Avengers Endgame and Harry Potter. I was reading some articles on why Endgame is the best movie of all time, and honestly, it made me realize how lucky I am to have been old enough to live through the release of Endgame. Endgame and the MCU is to my generation what Star Wars was to my parents' generation. I particularly admire what the MCU did with those movies because it is a feat of writing and storytelling. It's "a once in a lifetime accomplishment". You can watch all 23 as stand-alone films, because they work that way, or you can do a marathon and see the interconnectivity of it all as well. It works that way too. And I've done both. I have to say, I think I prefer watching them stand-alone, irregardless of the little nitty gritty easter eggs from other movies. Granted, Endgame basically asks the audience to watch 2012 Avengers, Thor:The Dark World, Age of Ultron and Guardians Of The Galaxy,  but it